8 Amazing Websites to Help You Become a Creative Writer

So, you’re interested in the art of writing - [insert buoyant exclamatory proclamation here]!

Deciding to try something new is exciting, but the first thrill is always - and I mean ALWAYS - followed by the big question:

What next?

To help feed your momentum, here are 8 outstanding websites (below) designed to jumpstart your wordsmithing journey. These are sites where I’ve personally found - or am finding - inspiration and education. Here, you can immerse yourself in experience-based advice, examples, idea generation, and community.

Note: In addition to the following, I always suggest a quick pit stop at Wikipedia to get a sense of what the heck you’re getting yourself into, then hit up Google search to expand your mind on what’s possible!

Let’s be brave together…

Dawn B

Although this site is geared toward a business/content marketing aesthetic, I am personally guaranteeing that YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING HERE that adds value to your creative writing skills. Look at just a couple of Copyblogger’s post titles: “Why Writers Quit” and “How to Add Color and Richness to Your Writing… Without Making Us Want to Barf”. If writing interests you - novels, blogs, or even letters to Grandma - you will thank yourself for visiting this site.

2) WritingCooperative.com

For peer support, check out The Writing Cooperative’s global community of writers, who share innovative ideas, lessons learned, and general kinship with writers of all skills and genres.

3) Creative-Writing-Now.com

As a student of the word crafts, you’ll enjoy Creative Writing Now - a free, creative writing site, designed by writing teachers, to help launch your creations into orbit!

4) NowNovel.com

Looking for structure, inspiration, step-by-step instructions, or guidance on writing your first epic? Consider a site like Now Novel, which offers writing tools, classes and coaching for the novel-writing newbie.

5) Blog.Reedsy.com

Here’s a post worth reading for safely and simply navigating the murky waters of self publication… with cool graphics and well-organized content. Reedsy Blog also offers editing services and opportunities to learn how to become the next independent bestseller.

6) TCKPublishing.com

If poetry is as new to you as it is to me, you’ll find tons of value in TCK Publishing’s breakdown of 12 major types of poetry, and how to write your own - with examples!

7) Jerz.Setonhill.edu

Here you’ll find handy poetry writing tips, with examples to lock it in and bring it home. This post on Jerz’s Literacy Weblog immediately kicks off with a stellar piece of creative writing wisdom, regarding whom you’re writing your poetry for. Click the link or image above to read more!

8) WriterMag.com

A great article, on a particularly useful site - The Writer. When something appears to be simple, don’t let it lull you into a false sense of competency. Learn what NOT to do when writing children’s literature.

Note: I have no affiliation with, and am not receiving compensation from, any of the above websites. These are my personal recommendations.